
The true test comes after the curtains come down. -- JPhilip

The preaching experience this time was different. Well, it is always different each time, and as I reflect upon the process, I'm once again filled with thankfulness and humbled.

I wish I had the ability to prepare my sermons in a much shorter time. But so far, it is still a one-month process, although I somehow feel that this time I didn't put in as much as I previously would. I didn't pull out any Hebrew nor Greek and go through the passages with my original languages training, but went straight to the commentaries after my own hermeneutics and meditation on the passages. The commentaries did the exegetical legwork for me.

Would I have come up with deeper conclusions should I have done original language exegesis first? Perhaps, but it would probably have been more edifying for myself as the scholar, and not as relevant for myself as the preacher. Then again, I can't know for sure. The process is important, regardless, and since I don't preach so often and have more luxury of time, I should spend more time honing and maintaining the languages.

But through the month-long process, reflections were made on things around me and they nicely fit into the sermon. God granted me the creativity and inspiration to craft them together into the sermon, that was delivered today with much fear and trembling.

For the first time too, lay congregation members told me what they felt with a little more detail than the previous, non-committal "thank you" and "good job". One lady told me that she was surprised that for someone so young, so much heart came through. That really touched and encouraged me, and taught me to remember that our congregation listens not just with their ears, but with their hearts.

The next sermon is in June; that will be challenging. It will be to a congregation I don't know, but some friends will be there too. Will be praying for the right topic to minister...

All for Jesus, and soli Deo gloria. Not unto us, but for Your glory, honour and majesty!


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