so they say...


E and Dr C predicted that I wouldn't be able to maintain a low profile for two weeks and one week respectively. I'd like to think that I may have just proved Dr C wrong – I tried my best to resist revealing too much about myself – yet I just have to get all the right questions, the right statements pointed at me, having me blow my own cover. The more I try to hide, the more apparent I become. So E may end up getting the bingo after all. Rawr.

I'm not attempting the 'Singaporean' thing by pretending to be 'humble' and secretly enjoy being found out. Absolutely not.

What is necessary is to eschew biting off more than I can chew (har har) – this is too big an academic leap for me and I for sure ain't the most brainy person around. And according to my in-built endoscope, I'm only too aware of myself always being spread too thin wherever I go. I end up covering too much too thin. It makes me annoyed at myself because what I do turns out feeble and half-hearted. I'm pretty determined to start on a new slate and focus on equipping myself and preparing for what the Lord has called me to do.

Of course, I'm also secretly afraid that I'll sorely disappoint when they find out that I am really just average in what I sound like I can do, because there are really so many people out there who excel at what I am but an epidermis of it all.

But what more can I say? In this, it is the Lord that I serve. May my fire of service be fuelled by Him, for Him.

I must be wise, nonetheless.

So bring it on – week 2.


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