all dinghies harbour docks

I need to learn to settle down and pull all my loose thoughts together lest I completely miss the depth of things. Recently, a counselor saw in me possible signs of mild adult ADHD. Something clicked. I've always wondered why I can never seem to articulate myself properly and I write (slightly) better than I speak, and to think of it, my brain does go off on a tangent way too often—my brain is processing many other things as I type—but having a keyboard/pen does slow down my brain's impulses and forces me to hang on to my thoughts. For now, Phil 4:8 is my piece of driftwood in these swirling brain juices.

Too many things are going on, and as much as I enjoy the busyness, I am overwhelmed. I have not been able to function properly, and I seem to be finding some of my own actions repulsive—even if it seemed fine to me whilst "in the moment". It's a tension that I'm trying to hold taut, being my 'perceived self' and my 'judged self' (Jung, anyone?).

Lord help me.


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