the more

For all my youthful zeal to serve the Lord with the best times of my life (which for epicurean me is possibly all), the realization that I truly, duly, lack has dawned hard and fast upon me: I, B. Lim, am deeply inadequate. This is not a low-self esteem statement fishing for compliments. I lack, and shallowly am.

For all the working gifts and talents that I have been graciously bestowed with, I have come to see that they really are only limited in themselves. These are things that will fade with time and die with life. But when wielded with the Spirit's breath, buoyed by that depth of love and relationship and being with the Creator, and reflecting the coming King who humbled Himself to the most humiliating form of legal punishment of its time — there is power. Power not from me, but through Him who is in me.

For Thy true wisdom and volition; may this be where i end and You begin.

O may I in Him be found, 
Even before the trumpet sound.
That when I am seen, 
it is Christ not I —
That where I have gone is where He's been. 


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