
Faith/belief and Word/knowledge feel like a kind of hermeneutics of Christianity: That authorial intent (knowledge) and reader's response (faith/belief as a result) is closely intertwined, one not to be dichotomised from the other, and instead held in a dynamic tension, spiraling forward in increasing trajectory. A certain sense of knowledge must be revealed and understood before there can be a response of faith, so if we were to hold a high view of the Word and posture ourselves humbly and ready to apply the truth claims, we will almost inevitably respond in faith/belief and in the same vein, grow in faith/belief. And this is how we will be able to represent God better in apologetics/evangelism.

This is an even greater challenge to me then to deepen my knowledge and competency in handling the Word so that I can represent God well for who He is to people, and by His grace show them where their experience lies in the continuum of who He is.


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