
This semester saw me at my weakest, physically. My sinuses acted up at least three times a week, and I even had to cut a couple of classes because I couldn't concentrate with all the sneezing (and neither could my classmates, I reckon). Everyone was concerned because I never seemed to be well whenever they saw me. I was concerned, too. How was I going to complete my homework if I were so unwell all the time? I felt so drained, having gone in to the semester with my new-found motto not to do unto the Lord that which costs me nothing, yet my health was going. At what cost? Should I be a living sacrifice or a burnt offering? Two months later, September came and my body turned one year older and old it did behave. I had to force myself to cut down on ministries, on even the reading assignments which I know I can catch up in the holidays. It was a test of humility, integrity and self-care to be able to let go of reading assignment points (which can affect my grades by at least half a step) so that I can find enough rest. Every week was taxing enough to finish up all the little weekly assignments which amounted to much. Crunch time loomed, and the big assignments were due soon — not to say exams that had memory work and two languages to juggle (one new, one more in-depth). I can only say that it is only God's grace that carried me through the 30+ assignments that I did in 15 weeks: I'm even more so thankful that my nose was surprisingly tame during the crunch weeks to finish up my papers.

I am also extremely thankful to find that I am finally slowly finding the handles to grasp and gaining more awareness how to read the Bible, examine different opinions and synthesise/reconfigure/reject (gasp) according to the hermeneutical spiral on which I tenderly tread. It is easy to get puffed up with knowledge no doubt, but remembering that what I know is scant and I may well be wrong — there is so much to be learnt — and it is really only by God's mercies that I can learn — keeps me humble.

Thank You, Lord.


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