a little exercise for the young theologian

The earlier in the course of theological study that this question is raised, the easier it is to smile at these naïve objections, and the more likely the student is to identify himself proudly as a member of the esoteric clique of the initiated. He may even feel that ordinary Christians just do not understand certain things, for example, the questions about the historical-critical study of theBible, and that they cannot be explained to them. If the theologian, however, does not take more seriously the objections of the ordinary washerwoman and the simple hourly-wage earner, and if he even thinks — he would hardly express it this way — that the spiritual proletariat is not aware of the delicate questions and must have nothing to do with them — which is just the way of that esoteric club — surely something is not right with theology.

— Helmut Thielicke


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