Micah 6:8

“Because when you’re drowning, all you want is for somebody to stop talking and dive in to grab you before you sink… When you’re in that claustrophobic space of anxiety and scarcity, and you don’t have enough mental bandwidth to deal with anything more than each day’s demands, and having that breathing space to consider alternative choices or plan for the future, that is a luxury the working poor do not have. 

And that is why compassionate communication of available solutions rather than a “don’t know, go talk to your MP” approach by frontline officers matters so much… That’s why all these [eldercare, housing etc] interventions go a long way to create bandwidth, a space for the drowning to feel like they can breathe again. 

...We are missing a big point point if we think, 'Well, people must deal with the facts where they are rather than where they think they should be. Well, honestly, nobody understands their life just according to facts. It’s an intellectual’s fantasy to believe we are perfectly rational, fact driven beings, and most people make their choices according to their feelings about the facts. 

So if we care about making sure people hear us out on the hard facts, about our country’s real situation, then we must start all our communications of connecting with people with where they are, which is how they feel, even if that feeling is disagreeable or irrational to us.

If not, let’s just accept that your words will never impact anyone outside your echo chamber.”



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